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Privileged Access Management: Trends and Technologies for 2023

· Privileged Access Management,Foxpass,Server,Database,Information Technology

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is about controlling and securing the access of users with higher permissions to important systems and data. It helps organizations stop unauthorized access, keep sensitive information safe, and follow rules. PAM is crucial in today's complex IT world with frequent cyberattacks.

Privileged Access Management

Drivers and Challenges for PAM Adoption

Organizations deal with various privileged users like administrators, developers, contractors, vendors, and partners, each needing access to different systems and platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, databases, applications, and cloud services. PAM simplifies managing these diverse and ever-changing environments by offering a centralized and consistent method for provisioning, monitoring, auditing, and reporting privileged access.

However, PAM adoption encounters challenges like lack of awareness and skills, resistance to change, and integration issues. Some organizations are unaware of PAM's benefits and best practices, lacking the expertise and resources for implementation. Cultural and organizational barriers, such as users hesitating to surrender privileges and lack of support from management, also hinder PAM adoption. Additionally, technical challenges may arise in integrating PAM with existing IT systems and processes or scaling it to meet evolving needs.

Emerging Trends and Technologies for PAM

Despite these challenges, PAM is evolving and innovating to meet the changing needs and expectations of organizations and users. Some of the emerging trends and technologies for PAM are:

  • Cloud-based PAM: This PAM solution is provided as a service from a cloud provider rather than being installed and managed on-premise. It offers advantages like lower cost, quicker deployment, easier scalability, and increased availability. Cloud-based PAM empowers organizations to manage and secure privileged access not only to cloud services like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform but also to hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
  • AI-powered PAM: This PAM solution utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance its capabilities and performance. It aids organizations in automating and optimizing aspects like identity verification, access provisioning, anomaly detection, risk assessment, and incident response. AI-powered PAM also enhances the user experience by providing personalized and contextualized access, recommendations, and feedback.
  • Zero Trust PAM: Following the principle of "never trust, always verify" for privileged access, Zero Trust PAM assumes that no user or system is inherently trustworthy. It mandates continuous verification of identity, context, and behavior. Zero Trust PAM minimizes the exposure and impact of privileged access by granting the least privilege, the shortest duration, and the most granular scope of access. This approach helps organizations achieve higher security and compliance levels with lower complexity and friction.