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· Foxpass,LDAP,LDAP Server,LDAP Search,Data Protection

Before jumping or discussing why one should pick LDAP as a security network system. Let us talk about LDAP first.

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Control, a network security protocol that is one of the most lightweight security systems. Also, one of the most used ones.

Moreover, it is a network security protocol that makes it convenient and easy for users to store, manage and arrange data in the software.LDAP can also be used to run a quick search for any data when required.

The data stored in the software can be in the form of information or anything. It is said that LDAP is used by servers to contact on-premise directories.


Now, let’s have a look at the reasons why one should use LDAP.

LDAP Is an Open Standard Protocol

One of the most convenient uses of LDAP is that it is open protocol software, which means a wide variety of directory servers and client systems are available. LDAP gives you the advantage to move to another system without being stuck into one. 

Moreover, LDAP is a well-defined protocol that shows and specifies how the client 

encodes requests, and the server responds to it. 

However, It is true that not all LDAP server provide the same set of features.

There are different servers of LDAP which support different functions and features. 

Though certain specifications are not included or covered in the LDAP features, it is one of the best software to use. 

LDAP Is Mature but Evolving

LDAP is quite an old software, yet it is constantly evolving. 

Thanks to the tech we have today, after a specific duration of time, a new updated version of it, with some recent updates, comes to the market, which is always better than the present ones.

LDAP Is Lightweight

One of the best reasons to pick LDAP is that it is lightweight, and it is not much of a challenging and complex task to use it.